We’re seeking re-accreditation, and YOU can help!

In 2018, we earned re-accreditation from the Land Trust Alliance, making The Land Conservancy one of only 23 accredited land trusts in Pennsylvania.

Accreditation is a mark of distinction that shows that a land trust meets the highest standards for land conservation and stewardship, and we are proud to have achieved this benchmark.  It reassures landowners that the Land Conservancy of Adams County is a strong, effective organization that they can trust to keep “the promise of perpetuity” in honoring their vision for their land, forever.  It also sends the message to supporters that we are a trustworthy partner for those who, like us, are passionate about preserving Adams County’s rural lands and character. 

The Land Trust Accreditation Commission is an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance, a national land conservation organization working to save the places people need and love by strengthening land conservation across America.  The commission is governed by conservation practitioners around the country who ensure that each accredited land trust meets extensive documentation requirements and undergoes a comprehensive review as part of its accreditation application. 

Accredited land trusts like the Land Conservancy of Adams County must renew their accreditation every five years, confirming their compliance with national quality standards and providing continued assurance to donors and landowners of their commitment to forever stewarding their land and easements.

We are pleased to announce that the Land Conservancy of Adams County is currently completing its second re-accreditation process. As part of this process, the Land Trust Accreditation Commission conducts an extensive review of our policies and programs and opens a public comment period, this is where you come in.

The commission invites public input and accepts signed, written comments on pending applications such as ours.  Comments should relate to how the Land Conservancy of Adams County complies with national quality standards.  These standards address the ethical and technical operation of a land trust.  For the full list of these standards, to learn more about the Commission’s accreditation program, and to submit a comment please click here.

You may also email your comments to the Commission at info@landtrustaccreditation.org or mail them to the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, Attn: Public Comments, 36 Phila Street, Suite 2, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.

Comments on our re-accreditation application will be most useful by December 9, 2023.